An Overview of Internet Of Things

Manju Makhija
2 min readJun 2, 2021
Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

Let’s first understand the Internet of Things or IoT: IoT also known as the Internet of Objects is a wireless network between objects where the network will be self-configuring. IoT is a combination of physical objects that can include Controllers, sensors, and actuators combined with an essential source that is the Internet together makes the Internet of Things. In other words, it means ‘Smart World.’ Short-range mobile transceivers are embedded into a wide array of gadgets and items, which enables a new form of communication between people and things.

What is Embedded System?

Inside the Embedded System computer’s hardware and software are embedded as one of its important components. They are designed to perform dedicated or specific functions. It includes a programmable computer.

There have been continuous advancements in sensor and networking technology, which took the form of IoT that is taking shape as an ever-present always-on global computing network.

History and Future of IoT:

In the year 2015, there were 15.41% (in billions) of devices were connected all over the world. The number (in billions) increased to 17.68% and 20.35% by the year 2016 and 2017 respectively. By the year 2020 tremendous growth was seen when the number increased to 30.73% of IoT in devices.

Now, if we predict the number by appropriate statistics, by the year 2023 the growth will be 62.12% and will increase by 75.44% that is the connection of IoT in almost 100 billion devices. Everything around us will be smart: Thus, Smart World.

Let’s see few examples of the Internet of Things

  1. Robots: Also called as Internet of Robotic Things, robots are smart programmable machines where with the help of Artificial Intelligence, a sense of humanity is given. It’s designed in such a way that it acts as Human.
  2. Smartwatch: Today, all the smartwatches are designed in such a way that can also replace smartphones. It takes care of handling phone calls when connected to your mobile to health and fitness. It can also measure heart-beat, blood pressure, calories, monitors stress and sugar levels. It has GPS and workout modes enabled with long battery life.
  3. Smartphones: Smartphones have advanced a lot in terms of technology. Future generation phones will be advanced in a way that can’t be imagined. Some of the features include an under-displayed camera with an increase in the number of megapixels. Future phones can be flipped and foldable with multiple screens.

With IoT, we have made advancements using Artificial Intelligence that are beyond human imagination. Everything today around us is smart. Humans today only want devices that are brilliant, smart, and improved versions of the previous. In the year 2025, there will 100 billion devices connected to IoT. Hope it connects humans too. Future is going to be beyond imagination.

